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BookCheck Pension Auto Enrolment Services

Experienced and Helpful Auto-Enrolment Service

At BookCheck, for a new scheme we’ll assess your situation carefully to confirm exactly what you need to do to ensure you are ready for pension auto enrolment. We then offer a number of services to suit you. You can choose as little or as much assistance as you need to meet your obligations.

We are very experienced in what is involved in the planning and by discussing this with us we can minimise your effort.

We can assist you with:

  • Setting up your Scheme
    Once you’ve decided your provider we can handle all the administration involved in setting up
  • Employee communication
    Employees must be told in advance of the scheme starting and have individual updates. BookCheck can take on this role for you, with regular reports back to you.
  • Implementation
    BookCheck can implement all the changes needed to your payroll and administration systems – whether or not you intend to take on the ongoing administration yourself.
  • Ongoing checking and administration
    BookCheck can run your auto enrolment scheme on your behalf with the advantage of ensuring everything is monitored and kept up to date, including coping with changes in legislation. We can also ensure that the data links seamlessly with your payroll system.

Pension auto enrolment with Book Check

Call us NOW on 0800 883 0711 for an initial discussion.

BookCheck has been providing outsourced bookkeeping with management accounts and payroll services since 1994 and has worked with hundreds of clients throughout the UK. We also setup, implement and maintain the additional pension auto enrolment systems you need to be compliant with the legislation.