Management Accounts

The secret weapon helping businesses run better: BookCheck expert insight

The secret weapon helping businesses run better: BookCheck expert insight

With the help of bookkeeping and accounting experts BookCheck, SoGlos reveals the simple tool that could make all the difference to your business profitability.

Getting up-to-date management accounts to help businesses make decisions isn’t reserved just for big companies – small businesses can access this valuable information with the help of  bookkeepers, BookCheck.

Organisations county-wide and beyond have chosen the company to deliver monthly management reports, tailored to their exact needs – with SoGlos discovering why the service is so in demand.

BookCheck was founded by Anthony Pilkington FCA in 1994 and has grown to become a major force in the delivery of transformative bookkeeping with management accounts for businesses UK wide.

An increasing number of clients are also benefiting from its Xero expertise and skills, using the firm’s Xero Migration & Add-on Development (MAD) service – with new company BookCheck X Ltd being formed to specialise in this subject.

Can you explain what you mean by management accounts from BookCheck?

Management accounts are simply detailed profit and loss reports, together with a balance sheet. Unlike the year end reports, management accounts are monthly and customised to individual client requirements – so we highlight and focus on what they need to know.

We start with a conversation about exactly what a business wants and can alter this as and when required.

How do they benefit a business?

They help identify and fix things that are going wrong – such as being behind, duplicate payments, overpaying VAT and incorrect sales ledger balances getting in the way of collecting debts.

And on the positive side, they present clear information on how to reduce overhead costs and increase profits. Clients can see clearly what is going on in any part of their business, so allowing a focus on improving.

The BookCheck mantra is ‘measure to improve’. A key to this is reporting gross profit margins and comparing month by month. A one per cent increase in margin equates to one per cent of sales as extra net profit. The reports enable clients to keep a beady eye on that.

The information is a perfect platform for increasing profitability and improving cash flow. It also lets clients focus better on running their business, rather than worrying about book-keeping.

Can you summarise what one of the management reports looks like?

It is totally up to date information at the end of every month. It’s a profit and loss report in whatever detail is required plus a balance sheet. You do not have to wait until way past the end of year for the report on which to base decisions. By then the world has changed – the information is way out of date.

The key point is that each report is individually tailored to requirements – then it’s much easier to understand, to own it and then use to advantage.

Quite often owners can be completely divorced from their company’s accounting system, but with our approach they can even call up the management reports from home. It means they have the key information at their fingertips wherever they want it.

Does that mean a business will have a BookCheck staff member looking over their shoulder all month asking questions?

No, we settle this down to a smooth routine each month. BookCheck works ‘in the cloud’. It does all its work off-site. Funnily enough the company has always worked this way since it started 28 years ago.

Is the service you offer unusual?

It is what marks us out – our service is not book-keeping or monthly accounts but the two together.

Alongside our bookkeeping, our management accounts make us unique because we guarantee these are always both thoroughly checked and issued personally by a qualified accountant (we have 10). We tailor the reports individually for clients, depending on what they want from their accounts – and if they are not sure what they need to see and why, we can talk them through it.

It can be a massive benefit. Many businesses don’t have the resource to prepare these reports themselves and they are too busy just being a business.

We also have a support service to make sure clients can use the information as effectively as possible.

How do companies know this kind of service is right for them – can they try before they buy?

An initial discussion will examine the issues to be resolved – to see if the BookCheck service would fit. Ticking one or both of these boxes is a key indicator:

• Ongoing significant book-keeping issues

• Lack of quality prompt monthly management accounts

If so, then get in touch and we’ll arrange for our free 30-point accounting health check – done under an NDA, remotely and efficiently, with no obligation.


How Xero could save you money and help grow your business

If you want a more efficient business with lower overheads and clearer management information, the answer is Xero

BookCheck helps customers grow through clever bookkeeping and management reporting – and its expertise at moving customers to the next generation of accounting software is proving to be transformational for the businesses it works with.

A whole new sister company, BookCheck X Ltd, is being launched to deliver the specialist service of migrating businesses accounts to the industry-leading cloud-based Xero platform, which the Five Valley’s firm says will save businesses money, remove IT issues and deliver better management information, too.

Why is Xero BookCheck’s preferred accounting software for clients?

We grew up with Sage software from 27 years ago, but it’s had its day. In our opinion Xero is quite simply the best accounting software for our clients – and for BookCheck. That’s why we decided some years ago to be exclusively Xero, apart from a few clients left on Sage that we would expect to migrate.

As well as being easy for clients to understand and use, it’s naturally very efficient and time saving for them – having things such as automatic feeds of information from banks. There is a great list of useful features inbuilt.

In addition, Xero add-ons (apps) provide a massive range of complementary help, such as order processing; stock control; linking to web sales; payment systems; credit control and debt chasing; expenses; forecasting and more. In fact, there are 1,000 add-ons to choose from.

Being exclusive to Xero enables our whole team to be totally focused and fully trained, rather than being spread thinly across multiple platforms – so we’re significantly more efficient and cost less.

What are the key advantages of moving a business to Xero?

In short, significantly lower staff costs and it’s much easier to use. Xero costs only about £30 per month, which is really nothing. The staff cost savings can be substantial as it automates many processes, such as a manual bank reconciliation. It would not be unusual to save say £10,000 to £15,000 per annum, plus benefiting from much quicker and easier to obtain information.

A key benefit is that Xero is cloud-based and it works really easily. There are no IT issues affecting its use, compared with likely problems with other accounting software, including Sage cloud.

Access to Xero add-ons can literally transform a business, at the very least significant efficiencies will be achieved. We have one client whose turnover has quadrupled in the last two years. It simply would not have been possible to cope on the old Sage system, at least not without a huge increase in staff costs.

Now the critical Xero add-ons for complex stock control, production and order processing are at the hub of the company’s systems, with a whole range of staff interfacing. This massive improvement will be worth some tens of thousands per annum in cost savings.

A not-so-obvious benefit is that, quite simply, the whole business just feels an awful lot better using good systems and software. It reduces stress and simply makes everyone feel in control – that’s worth a lot.

How long and involved is the process of migrating a company’s accounts and can businesses expect a smooth transition?

The migration moves all the accounting data such as full details of the sales ledger and all the transactions for years past. The task varies from fairly straightforward to complex and demanding.

If it’s not handled properly then problems and errors will be caused. It’s false economy not to handle this one-off task professionally. The actual migration will take a very short period, like a few days. BookCheck will handle the whole process to a clear timetable and that will definitely be smooth, as it always is in our experience.

Will a company’s staff need lots of training to cope with the new system going forward?

No. Xero is very intuitive and easy for clients to learn and use. It’s lovely software, designed for non-accounting trained users. Surprisingly it’s fun to use, too. We will naturally support and train clients on their Xero work, it’s very straightforward.

BookCheck has just launched a stand-alone business, BookCheck X Ltd (MAD – Migration & Add-on Developments). Why is that?

The new company is exclusively focussed on just two services that we call MAD: Migration to Xero and assistance with Add-on Development.

On the migration side, we handle the whole task of moving all the accounting data from any system to Xero. Often this is tricky and demanding, but as we do everything, the client doesn’t need to worry.

Add-ons are like apps on an iPhone. They are extra features which plumb into Xero. This includes stock control and order processing going beyond the basic Xero. Other examples are purchase invoice processing; paying suppliers; credit control and debt chasing; processing of expense claims; forecasting and so on.

All add-ons improve efficiency – some massively and some are transformative. Our role is to check the client’s specific requirements then shortlist maybe three options, together with a summary of pluses and minuses. Then we assist the client in making a decision.

We then onboard the add-on data and plumb it into Xero. Sometimes the client assists with this workload but mostly we handle the whole task.

How future proof is Xero? How will it cope with a fast-growing business – and will a company’s preferred accountants will be familiar with the technology and onside with the move?

Some sceptics, including some qualified accountants, wrote off Xero as ‘only good enough for the corner shop’. How wrong they are – and worse, as it’s denying benefits to be gained.

We have clients of £20 million turnover using it without restriction. Accountants generally will have no problem at all with Xero. It’s very quickly taking over from what was the market leader, Sage.

What is clear is that the only important party to consider in this choice is the business, not the accountant.