
January is always a good month for our business, I wonder why.....

Looking at our historical figures, January is usually a buoyant month for enquiries and this year is no exception. In one day alone we had three red hot prospects - in Derby, London and Bristol. So we wonder why, also whether it would apply to other businesses.

The reasons for the three enquiries might help to explain. The first is very poor quality bookkeeping and that from a firm quite well known by some. We were shocked by the lack of reconciliations and whole bits missing. The part time FD quite rightly demanded quality, hence a change. The second is a care home under bank 'scrutiny' having reverted some years ago to handling the bookkeeping themselves, now of course without any Management Accounts. The third is a children's nursery, expanding to more sites, needing essential Management Accounts for control.

So where might January fit? Perhaps because it gives a bit of quiet time to think, to review, to consider a change. Now how do we replicate that every month?

In our 'quiet' time we have revamped our website. At last after 20 years we clearly explain, we hope you agree, what we do and where we fit. Take a peep here to see how we integrate Bookkeeping with Management Accounts in both Sage and Xero

Have a great 2014 in your business      

This entry was posted in Business Development, Management Accounts and tagged in Sage, Xero, Bookkeeping, Bristol, Derby, London by bookchadmin