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10th March 2023
BookCheck has been providing book-keeping with management accounts for a lovely client in Bristol for three years. Our relationship is close, appreciated and satisfying. About a year ago we considered with the client the case for a move to Xero which was actioned. The client decided for themselves the add-on for stock control and order processing. They declined our fixed price proposal to setup the add-on and fully onboard the data, also rejecting a half-way house of working alongside them. As professionals we warned them of the possible consequences. READ MORE
8th April 2015
I reckon we are now experiencing our greatest challenge in our 20 years history in finding more quality Sage and Xero staff as we expand. This is especially the case in London although Bristol is almost as bad. Recently we received 33 serious applications for a book-keeper position. We narrowed that down to four good enough for interview, then speaking on the phone reduced this to two. The best candidate took a position before our planned interview, leaving one who just wasn't good enough. So we start again! READ MORE
23rd September 2013
What's the biggest challenge in expanding your business? Is it resources or is it winning orders? Is it IT? In fact your most likely challenge, even if you don't realise it, is going to be funding. Yet that seems counter intuitive because more sales equals more income - so what's the problem? It's simple to explain - it's a timing difference, in short the money goes out before more money comes in. That's the bit that needs financing. where's it coming from and how much do you need? READ MORE
15th September 2013
Talking about "The Cloud" is becoming common nowadays but nine years ago when we first hosted Sage, I was the man from Mars. No one would risk it, mainly because it was simply 'too new'. We used it for clients who didn't need to know! With the advent of new forms of accounting software such as Xero, naturally in the Cloud, with massive marketing budgets it's become normal and indeed arguably preferable to the old fashioned software on the local pc. READ MORE